Amplify Your Voice

Amplify Your Voice
Amplify Your Voice
The Amplify Your Voice program is designed to empower individuals to express themselves confidently and effectively. This program focuses on enhancing communication skills through a series of vocal validation prompts, communication practice, musical exercises, and 1:1 coaching sessions. Participants will exercise their voice across multiple platforms, improving their vocal delivery, reducing public speaking anxiety, and increasing self-advocacy.
Key components of the program include:
Vocal Validation Prompts: Participants will follow validation prompts week-to-week to increase self-awareness, self-acceptance, and throughout the program, establish their vocal blueprint and vocal roadmap.
Public Speaking Skills: The program includes weekly exercises to increase communication with others and expand your reach.
1:1 Coaching and Feedback: There are 3 mini sessions included with this program. Sessions are voice-only, recorded phone conversations, that are sent to participants to solidify their growth.
Music Integration: Participants in this program benefit from the practice of a “second language” on the brain. Participants will establish their vocal reference point, learn pitch and how to sing and record a song. Participants are encouraged to submit their song to a virtual choir compilation.
Real-World Application: The program emphasizes practical application, encouraging participants to exercise their voices in “real-time”.
By the end of the Amplify Your Voice program, participants will have the tools necessary to communicate confidently, whether in personal conversations or professional environments. Participants will have reduced anxiety, lack of focus, working-memory issues; they will increase cognitive functioning and strengthen their holistic voices.
Think this could be fore you? Check out this free seminar on overcoming imposter syndrome.
If you resonate with any of the following, yes this program is for you:
-I want to learn how to sing after a lifetime of being “tone-deaf” or being told you have a weird or nasally voice
-I am a survivor of trauma: religious, sexual, physical, childhood, etc.
-I feel like I haven’t gotten to my “sweet spot” in life yet, and am frustrated that I’m not there yet
-I feel like I have a suppressed memory — I think something happened to me a long time ago, because things aren’t “adding up”
-I want to improve my life situation
-I want to love myself better
-I want to live out my purpose and calling
-I lost my voice (physical/psychological trauma)
You will:
-Increase your ability to process complexity
-You might completely uncover a suppressed memory
-You will improve your long-term health (healthy brain, healthy life)
-You will heal your brain: unlearn core limiting beliefs;
-You will learn music, and possibly how to sing!
-You will strengthen your confidence when speaking/communicating/expressing
Yes! Here are your options:
You are welcome to join our Facebook community.
Look at our Youtube Playlist for videos on these life strategies.
You can also try a 30-minute coaching session with Brooke to see if you would benefit